虽然在美国研究生申请的面试中问题的解答各种各样没有一个绝对的答案,但是在美国大学面试的回答中还是有一些规律可循的,下面就来看看美国大学研究生面试中的10个常见问题的解答情况。 美国研究生面试题目1: Tell me about yourself.(请介绍你自己。) 这个问题看似简单,其实要回答的内容比问题本身要难的多。如何用简单的几句话回答面试官这个问题而得到面试官的认可就非常重要了。在回答问题的时候确实很难避免提到我很友好,我是个好学生,我是一个有责任心的人;我们需要告诉面试官我自己很优秀,我很勤奋,但是要注意在回答的时候要让面试官认为你真的和其他学生不同。这个面试机会对学生来讲是非常重要的,你可以在回答问题的时候表现出你的不同,你的热情,你务必要告诉面试官你是怎样的一个人。千万不要花太多时间告诉面试官我们都能想象的到得答案(比如我很勤奋,我很有责任心),而是要告诉面试官你的热情,你的爱好,为什么你的朋友喜欢你,为什么你会开心,为什么你会生气;你也可以告诉面试官你是否有过深夜打着手电筒看书的经历,你是否曾经尝试过钻木取火,并成功过。你要介绍的是真正的你,要很真诚并且很认真的回答问题,要让面试官感到你是在描绘一个五彩斑斓的你,而不是在画简单的素描。 美国研究生面试题目2:Why are you interested in our college? (为什么你对我们学校感兴趣?) 这个问题也是很常见的,基本上每个学校都会问到,为什么你会选择我们学校,为什么对我们学校感兴趣。在回答这个问题的时候一定要具体,要让面试官看到你实实在在花了很多时间了解学校。需要注意的是不能回答我希望以后能挣很多钱,我希望毕业以后能得到一份好的工作或者我的老师给我推荐的,而是要把重心放在你对学术上的兴趣,你对学校的兴趣,对于不同学校的对比,你更希望选择这所学校的原因是什么,你对这所学校的历史,文化以及特色是非常了解的,你可以提到你所感兴趣的专业,也可以重点提及所涉及到得一些实践学习,荣誉课程等等。 美国研究生面试题目3:What can I tell you about our college? (你需要我告诉你那些方面,关于我们学校的?) 在面试的过程中,面试官也会给学生提问的机会。必须要提问题,所提的问题一定要是要经过思考以后的,是要有针对性并且具体的问题。需要注意的是不要提以下的问题:比如申请截止日期是什么时候?你们学校一共提供多少专业?这些信息在学校网站上都是可以查询到得,所提问题千万不要是学校网站已经有的。你可以提的问题是关于以下方面的:你们学校的毕业生认为在学校四年学习中最有意义的事情是什么?我了解到你们学校有一门跨学科研究的专业,是否可以告诉我一些更详细的情况? 美国研究生面试题目4:Who in your life has most influenced you? (你的一生中,对你影响最深的人是谁?) 这个问题无论是在面试还是在文书写作中都是会遇到的。也有一些类似的问题,比如你的偶像是谁?你最喜欢的历史或者小说人物是谁?如果你没有认真思考的话,这是一个非常难的问题。你需要介绍一个你所崇拜的真实的人,或者是历史人物,或者是小说里面的主人公,重点是要告诉面试官你为什么崇拜他/她。在回答这个问题的时候,你不可以说你崇拜你自己,这样会显得你很自私,并且独断独行,而美国大学希望他们的学生是有团队精神的;我们也不建议你说崇拜历史上一些在政治上有卓越成就的人,比如甘地,比如林肯,因为我们不认为这些人会对你的日常学习生活,课外活动以及你的人际关系有非常深刻的影响。我们更建议你所选择的人可以是你的家庭成员之一,你的老师,你的朋友,你的教练或者是和你一起参加社区活动的成员。 美国研究生面试题目5:Why do you want to major in XX? (你为什么选择这个专业?) 首先我们要明确在申请美国大学的时候,学生是可以不用明确要学什么专业的,这也不会影响到你的面试,因为如果你对好几个专业感兴趣这也是可以的。但是如果你在申请的时候明确了所学的专业的话,在回答这个问题的时候一定解释清楚为什么。一定不要说我希望学这个专业是因为想以后挣很多钱(这个在之前的问题中也提到过)。如果你确实之前没有思考要学什么专业,那么在回答的问题的时候一定要诚实,你可以直接告诉面试官我不知道我要学什么专业,但是需要注意的是不能回答到这里就完了,你还需要延伸这个问题,告诉面试官,虽然我不知道我要学什么专业,但是我喜欢和人打交道的工作。我希望大学将会学习到得课程涉及到社会学,心理学,政治学等。也就是尽管你没有确定专业,但是你可以在回答这个问题的时候延伸到自己的对于学习的兴趣,你要让面试官知道对于这个问题你是有认真思考过的。如果你在申请的时候已经确定了要学的专业,那么在回答这个问题的时候就必须更有针对性和更具体。 美国研究生面试题目6:What will you contribute to our campus community? (你能给我们学校带来什么?) 这个问题在很多大学的文书写作中也会涉及到。具体的回答是肯定的。不能简单或者空洞的说我是一个学习努力的人。学生一定要仔细思考你有什么不同,你能给学校带来那些不同的文化,不同的思想。多样性是回答这个问题的关键,学校希望看到你可以让校园文化更多样。你可以想想你的兴趣爱好,思考一下你平时在课外喜欢做什么,你是否希望在学校开展曲棍球联赛,你是否会带上你的野营装备邀请同学一起去露营或者郊游,这些都是不错的题材。面试官通过申请材料已经了解了学生的成绩和GPA,所以这个问题是一个很好的机会让学生展示他的学术以外的背景。 美国研究生面试题目7:Tell me about a challenge that you overcame.(请讲诉你曾经面临过的挑战或者困难) 这个问题,面试官是想了解学生解决问题的能力。当你面临挑战或者困难的时候,你是怎么解决和处理的,学校希望他录取的学生是有能力解决问题的。回答这个问题的关键在于是什么样的挑战:可以是学术上的;可以是工作上的,你是否有遇到很难相处的同事或老板;可以是个人困难的,你是否曾经失去过最爱的人;也可以是道德上的。 美国研究生面试题目8:What do you do for fun in your free time? (你的业余生活是怎么度过的?) 如果你回答一些比较休闲的活动,那么这个答案是不够好的。大学生活并不是意味着只有学习,所以面试官是希望看到学生在学习之余也可以做一些有趣或者有意义的活动,比如写作,徒步旅行,打网球等。回答这个问题一定要让你听起来在业务时间确实在做你感兴趣的事情,你不可以说我和朋友一起出去玩,你不可以说在业余时间喜欢上网,你不可以说喜欢参加聚会,你不可以说喜欢看电视,你不可以说没有业余时间,这些回答都是不好的。比较好的回答应该是你能在答案中很好的展示出你在业余活动中的热情,比如爬山,研究烹饪,数字游戏,绘画等等。 美国研究生面试题目9:Recommend a good book to me. (请推荐一本书给我。) 这个问题一方面是想看到学生是否真的阅读过很多书籍,另一方面是想看到学生对于所推荐的书的理解,为什么这本书值得阅读。也许面试官听完你的回答以后,也会推荐一本好的书给到你。 美国研究生面试题目10:What do you hope to do after graduation? (毕业以后你希望做什么?) 很多学生对于毕业以后做什么是完全没有想法的,这没有关系,但是如果你确实不知道你以后的职业目标是什么,你也可以提到一些可能涉及到得领域。
我为大家介绍美国留学签证面试问题精选,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。 签证面试是每一个申请留学签证的学生都要通过的一关,提前了解签证面试问题,做好准备,可以增加成功获取美国留学签证的几率。
1) What will you study in the United States?
1 I will study for my Ph.D in Industrial & systems engineering in the University of florida.
2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?
2 My current major of undergraduate study in xian jiaotong university isindustrial engineeing. I will continue to study industrial engineering for my Ph.D. in the University of florida.My specified feild of study has not been determined yet. the department ( i mean here the department of Industrial and systems egineeing of university of florida) let me decide what I will study within one year after my arrival in the campus. But propably I will select production management as my specified area, since my career objective is to be a enterpreneur in china and own my own successful enterprise.(what kind of enterprise do you want to own?-Manufaturing firm,like a auto firm or some kind of services. I think this is mainly up to the ecnomic condition when i get my ph.D and come back to china. you see the Chinese government is trying to privatize some of the small or midium sized stated owned firms. And rying to privatize some of the small or midium sized stated owned firms. And by the time i graduate, maybe I will be able to own one of these firms and start my own career. Hopefully i will employ what I have learn in industrial Engineering, you know, quality assurance, improving effeciency and productivity, and reducing waste, and finally make myself a successful enterpreneur.
3) What will you do in USA?
I will study for my Ph.D degree in industrial engineering in the University of florida. I plan to finish my study in about 4 years and then come back to china.
4) Are you going to study in USA?
yes.I will study for my Ph.D degree in industrial engineering in the Unive rsity of florida. I plan to finish my study in about 4 years and then come back to china.
5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?
I am going to get my Bechalor's degree in industrial engineering in this c I am going to get my Bechalor's degree in industrial engineering in this coming july from xian jiaotong university.
6) What/where are you studying now?
I am now studying for my Bechalor's degree in industrial engineering in xian jiaotong univeristy.
7) How long will you study in USA?
About 4-5 years. My future advisor said that if I wok hard i can get my ph.D within a shorter time.
8) Have you any scholarship?
Yes. on the basis of the evaluation of my resume, personal statement, undergraduate transcripts, and gre toefl scores, I was accepted by the department as a priority student and honored full financial support incluing a tuition waiver and yealy stipend of 16,000 us dollars, which is renewable for a to tal of 4 years.(what if you do not have financial award for the fifth year.--Well, firstly there is little possibility that i will study for 5 years for my ph.d, since most of the ph.D.students get their degrees within 4 years.my ph.d, since most of the ph.D.students get their degrees within 4 years.my future advisor said that 4 years is the normal period of study for Ph.D.And, even if i have to study for the fifth year and i do not have financial aid, my personal saving at that time will be enough to pay my last years expense. As you can see, during the first 4 years i will receive a yearly stip end of at least 16,000 us dollars, which is more than 5,000 us dollars beyond the expenses needed a year which is less than 11,000 a year as indicated by the university on the i-20 form. so I will have at least 20.000 us dollarsof personal saving at the end of th fourth year.)
9) What do you want to study in USA?
I will study for my Ph.D degree in industrial engineering in the University of florida. I plan to finish my study in about 4 years and then come back to china.
10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD?
I will take courses, teaching, do researcd, and finish my thesis in the area of production management to get my Ph.d in industrial Engineeing in 4 years.
11) What is your purpose for the visa?
I need a F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D degree in industrial engineering in the University of florida. I plan to finish my study in about 4 years and then come back to china.
12) What is your academic background?
Since September 1994 I have been studying in the department of Industrial Engineering of Xian Jiaotong University for my Bechalor's degree. I will graduate and get my bechalor's degree in this coming early July.
13) How do you know this Univ.?
I started to know about the University of florida from my department chair. When he leaned that I was planning to go abroad and further my study in Industial Engineering, he was glad and encouraged me to do so. We talked a little bit and agreed that promoting research and application in industrial enttle bit and agreed that promoting research and application in industrial engineering in china is now nessesary and will soon prove very fruitful, whilethe development of this decipline in china is far from satisfactory. You see, Industrial Engineering became a formal area of study in china only in 1993, only 6 years ago. Xian Jiaotong University is the first Unversity in this county that was approved by the national education committee to offer degree programs in industrial engineering.And I am going to be a graduate of the second class, I mean the big calss,you see enrolled in 1994.The problem is that you can hardly find any Ph.D program in industrial engineering in this country.
14) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?
I will specialize in Production Management and finish my Ph.D study in Industrial engineering in the University of florida in about 4 years.Then I will come back to China and first get married with my girlfriend whom I have known for more than 11 years. At the same time I will find a managerial position in a big state owned company or joint venture. My desired place of working is Shanghai. My long-range objective is to be an enterpreneur and possess my own business.
15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?
First of all, I have to come back and get married with my girlfriend. We have known each other for 11 year since we were very young. You see: we were in the same class in junior high school. She is now a graduate student in No rthwest University in xian. She propablly will go on and pursue her Ph.D in the same school. Her major is Physics, specializing in ultrafast Phenomenon,or something. Secondly, as you can see, I applied derectly for a ph.D progr am instead of M.S. program after my undergraduate study. As far as I know, and propaplly as you know, Ph.D holders in the States are not so easy to find good jobs as Ms holders even in the same decipline. If I intended to find a job in the statess, I would not have applied for Ph.D. but M.s On the other hand, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in any of the big cities in china with my Ph.D in Industrial Engineering got in the United States. Third, my career objective determines that it is a better choice for me to come back to China than staying in the states. You see my long range objective is to become an enterpreneur and own my business. And it would be very difficult for me to realize it should I choose to stay in the states, for the United States is a highly developed county, and almost everything is already there. You see, as a country develops,the space for people to develop shrinks relatively. It is not realistic for me to find my own space as a successful enterpreneur between all these big, developed and high-tech companies isful enterpreneur between all these big, developed and high-tech companies in the states. I mean I can start, but can hardly succeed. On the contrary, if I come back to china, I have much better chances. Since china is underdeveloped, it leaves much more space for people, especially for indusrial engineers to develop. As you can see, waste, low efficiency, high cost, poor quality is almost everywhere,though things are changing everyday. With my Ph.D got in the states and my social ralationship, It is much easier for me to start my own enterprise, or buy one from the government when they decide to privatize some of the midium-sized and small state owned enterprises.
16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?
I think that is partly because they were afraid that they would not be treated fairly after they come back. As a matter of fact, that used to be the reality. But things has been changing greatly during the recent years and much more students are coming back are coming back after they have finished their study. I also think this has something to do with the majors. As for students majoring in science, they may like the better equipment, environment and salary in the states because they are afraid that if they are back some oftheir research can not go on as a result of poor facility and shortage of funding. But as for my major, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in any of the big cities in china with my Ph.D in Industrial Engineering got in any of the big cities in china with my Ph.D in Industrial Engineering got in the United States. You see, it is a practical major. My career objective also determines that it is a better choice for me to come back to China than staying in the states. You see my long range objective is to become an ent erpreneur and own my business. And it would be very difficult for me to realize it should I choose to stay in the states, for the United States is a highly developed county, and almost everything is already there. You see, as acountry develops,the space for people to develop shrinks relatively. It is not realistic for me to find my own space as a successful enterpreneur between all these big, developed and high-tech companies in the states. I mean I can start, but can hardly succeed. On the contrary, if I come back to china,I have much better chances. Since china is underdeveloped, it leaves much more space for people, especially for indusrial engineers to develop. As you can see, waste, low efficiency, high cost, poor quality is almost everywhere,though things are changing everyday. With my Ph.D got in the states and my social ralationship, It is much easier for me to start my own enterprise, or buy one from the government when they decide to privatize some of the midium-sized and small state owned enterprises.
17) Why do you choose this Univ.?
First of all, the Industrial Engineering program of the univeristy of flor First of all, the Industrial Engineering program of the univeristy of florida is among the top a few Ph.D programs in industrial engineering in the states, and my proposed advisor's research, production management and operations research, in which I will work and study, is a national science foundation funded project. Both my department chair and several foreign friends suggested me this school. And also I like the weather of florida, not as windy and sandy as Beijing, and not as hot and try as xi'an. That is what one of my American friends told me. Another reason is that I got the admission and offer from the university of florida very early- in early March. And I couldnot decline this admission after I had accepted it.
18) Why do you like your major?
Because I believe it is promising in china. As for my major, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in any of the big cities in china with my Ph.D in Industrial Engineering got in the United States. You see, it is a practical major. My long range objective is to become an enterpreneur and own my business. Thus industrial engineering is my best choice. It is a combination of technologied, engineering and mangagement which are all required to be a successful enterpreneur. Since china is underdeveloped, it leaves much more space for people, especially for indusrial engineers to develop. As you can see, waste, low efficiency, high cost, poor quality is almost everywhere can see, waste, low efficiency, high cost, poor quality is almost everywhere,though things are changing everyday. With my Ph.D got in the states and my social ralationship, It is much easier for me to start my own enterprise, or buy one from the government when they decide to privatize some of the midium-sized and small state owned enterprises.
19) Why do you want to study in USA?
Because industrial engineering is a new and underdeveloped major currently in china.When my department chair leaned that I was planning to go abroad and further my study in Industial Engineering, he was glad and encouraged me to do so. We talked a little bit and agreed that promoting research and application in industrial engineering in china is now nessesary and will soon prove very fruitful, while the development of this decipline in china is far from satisfactory. You see, Industrial Engineering became a formal area of study in china only in 1993, only 6 years ago. Xian Jiaotong University is the first Unversity in this county that was approved by the national education committee to offer degree programs in industrial engineering.And I am going to be a graduate of the second class, I mean the big calss,you see enrolled in 1994.The problem is that you can hardly find any Ph.D program in industrial engineering in this country. Apparently the best choice is to get my Ph.D in the states, where industrial engineering originated.in the states, where industrial engineering originated.
20) Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree?
As for my major, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in any of the big cities in china with my Ph.D in Industrial Engineering got in the United States. You see, it is a practical major.Morover,I think a Ph.D is necessary for me to realize my career objective. My long range objective is to become an enterpreneur and own my business. I don't want to stop someday on my half way toward success to resume my study as a result of knowledge.With my Ph.D got in the states and my social ralationship, It is much easier for me to start my own enterprise, or buy one from the government when they decide to privatize some of the midium-sized and small state owned enterprises.
21) Why do you receive fiancial aid from this Univ.?
Yes. on the basis of the evaluation of my resume, personal statement, undergraduate transcripts, and gre toefl scores, I was accepted by the department as a priority student and honored full financial support incluing a tuition waiver and yealy stipend of 16,000 us dollars, which is renewable for a total of 4 years.t as a priority student and honored full financial support incluing a tuition waiver and yealy stipend of 16,000 us dollars, which is renewable for a total of 4 years.
22) What is the difficult class do you have?
Propablly algorithm. It is a course about advanced calculating and requires high technique in both computer programming and methimetics.
23) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?
They are the same. Both of my undergraduate study and graduate study are in industrial engineering. Just that my graduate study will be more detailed and advanced. And that I will specialize in production management, which isa sub-area of industrial engineering.